Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Art in Edmonton

I went to the art gallery on Sunday, which was their first year anniversary, and one of their new exhibits was a huge three piece installation by Canadian artist Brian Jungen. And the craziest thing was, you're allowed to take pictures!!! So I actually took this picture with my crappy camera phone. Pretty cool; I love the idea of art as collective property. Although we weren't allowed to climb his very very climbable piece made from garbage bins. Oh, I forgot to mention the piece above is made from lawn chairs. WOW.

My trip to AGA got me thinking about local art and being more involved in it, and what better week to start than International Week? There are all sorts of movies and fun things, and I think I'm definitely going to go to Beats without Borders: An International Poetry Jam at Telus 145 on Thursday from 9-11 am. Maybe I will see some of you there!


  1. I haven't gone to the AGA post new building, despite wanting to check it out. Unfortunately a busy schedule makes such trips difficult. I think the last time I went to the art gallery here was when I took a sculpture and cartoon drawing class when I was 11. And another confession..I hadn't heard of international week until Heather brought it up in class. Your post definitely made me realize how I've been neglecting the Edmonton Arts scene

  2. The AGA is one of the best things about living in Edmonton. Not only is the building amazing but they have seemingly increased the quality of the exhibits in the last year. I will definitely be checking out the Brian Jungen soon...I wish I had gone to the opening!

  3. I was at the AGA on sunday too, volunteering though so I didn't get to see the new exhibit yet, but your post made me super excited to see it. I have to say the atmosphere at the gallery for the anniversary weekend was amazing. I was counting how many people came on sunday and there were way more than I'd expected. Even the architect Randall Stout was there (which left me slightly star struck). I think the AGA was really successful in bringing so many different people together in Edmonton this past weekend. They had activities and entertainment for kids and adults and the elderly which made it fun for everyone. I hope that the AGA will continue to be a success and keep getting great new exhibits because its affect on Edmonton has been great.

  4. Oh, I need to see that exhibit so badly. I'm another who should get out to the gallery more often, too. Even just to see the building, which is a work of art in itself.

    As for getting involved -- it's surprisingly easy, once you figure out what you want to do. Folk Fest, for instance; judging by some of the people on my crew (public gate hollaaa), they take anyone without a criminal record who can breathe and stand upright. Same with the Fringe, like a bunch of my friends have told me. Or everywhere, probably. You just have to know where to start, and after that it's easy as pie. But! Even just going to shows counts. Supporting is the same as involvement. There'd be nothing to be involved with if people didn't support it, after all.
