Monday, February 28, 2011

Inspired by Maps Again

This reminded me of the art maps we looked at really early on in class, and I thought it was cute. I hope everyone had fun with other people's map projects! I know I did. I had Jamie's map of the LRT line with music included, showing how the stations represent or misrepresent Edmonton. I thought the concept was really interesting and I got to hear some cool new songs :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Learning and Exploring

This class has been really awesome so far; it's gotten me to do some things that I never do normally and think about my city in a way that I, and most inhabitants of any city they live in, rarely think about. The CSL assignment has been especially boundary-breaking. We're trying to build up a directory of local literature (or other texts) for APRIG and then recommend that the APIRG library buy some of them. The search for local lit and other cool stuff has led me to cool websites, the I-week poetry slam, and then just last night to Rouge Lounge (Rose Bowl) on Jasper for their poetry night, led by the Breath In Poetry Collective (  I had to walk down Jasper from Corona at like 9 in the freezing cold, and it's waaaay down Jasper on 117st, so that was an unusual thing for me just in itself, and then I was in a strange environment with a bunch of awesome local poets and hiphop artists. It was really fun and worth going to, so you should go! Every Tuesday at 9(ish...they started quite late, more like 9:30 haha).
To finish off, I've had lots of trouble thinking up a map idea, so even though I have a couple preliminary thoughts now, wish me luck!! Or offer me your super good ideas...whatever floats your boat. ;)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Art in Edmonton

I went to the art gallery on Sunday, which was their first year anniversary, and one of their new exhibits was a huge three piece installation by Canadian artist Brian Jungen. And the craziest thing was, you're allowed to take pictures!!! So I actually took this picture with my crappy camera phone. Pretty cool; I love the idea of art as collective property. Although we weren't allowed to climb his very very climbable piece made from garbage bins. Oh, I forgot to mention the piece above is made from lawn chairs. WOW.

My trip to AGA got me thinking about local art and being more involved in it, and what better week to start than International Week? There are all sorts of movies and fun things, and I think I'm definitely going to go to Beats without Borders: An International Poetry Jam at Telus 145 on Thursday from 9-11 am. Maybe I will see some of you there!