Friday, March 25, 2011

My Own Unique Perspective on Edmonton

When I was a kid, Edmonton seemed ENORMOUS!!! Like, gigantically enormous. But now that I'm older it seems to have shrunk, and also now that I can drive it seems teeny! It really doesn't take very long to get from one side to the other, especially with the Henday. But I took the bus for the first time in a while today (I usually take the train) and it's so different. It really expands and  specifies Edmonton into regions and smaller places. With the constant stopping, you can observe what's actually happening on the streets, between people or squirrels or cars. This specificity really reminded me of a child's perspective, or even a tourist's, on Edmonton. Ok, it's bedtime so I will finish this later! :)

1 comment:

  1. The bus really does give you a different perspective on the city! I didn't notice the difference between the bus & the LRT either, until I really thought about it. They're both public transit, so you'd assume they were the same, but taking the bus gives you much more of a "street level" view of the city, doesn't it? The pace is slower; and the LRT isn't actually bounded by the rules of the street like the bus is -- a lot of the times it runs parallel to the roads, but there's always that sense of separation, of running above or below.
