Friday, April 1, 2011

Archival Duties

For the CSL component of this course, I volunteered with APIRG to help expand their library, which essentially fulfills the requirement of this post since we made a directory of Edmonton literature and stuff. However, it was WAY HARDER than I thought it would be, simply because there is too much good stuff! Therefore I don't know if I can, or even want to, pick a mere 5 things that represent Edmonton. Also, to give objects that much meaning, although objects definitely can and do take on meaning(s), seems to be asking too much of them. For instance, if I said that The Garneau Block is the be all and end all of Edmonton literature, then everyone reads it (assuming I have any sort of major influence...which I don't but let's pretend I do) and ignores every other piece of literature. Something similar has happened with canonical, classic lit; everyone heaps significance on these texts that may or may not be more relevant, or even worse, than some newer literature. So I'm not going to make a mini-archive of Edmonton literature, art, objects or people and instead I'm going to encourage everyone to keep their eyes peeled for everything that Edmonton has to offer rather than limiting your view of it. And I'm going to direct you to the APIRG Edmonton Literature Directory, which is by no means complete yet, but got started off by Jamin, Sarah and me. Check it out!